Zion The New Jerusalem

I confess to interpreting Holy Scripture literally. A literal interpretation is my first assumption. When the scriptural intention is be be allegorical, it is usually pretty obvious and stated as such. Some things in scripture are symbolic yet real. Like baptism. It is an ordinance full of symbolism, but you really do get wet.

Joseph Smith had a question and answer session10 with the Lord about the biblical Book of Revelations and he found out that much of what John describes in his vision was real and not only symbolism. The beasts1 in chapter 4 were real. The four and twenty elders2 are real. The angels mentioned are real angels3. The throne of God4 is real.

John describes the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven in chapter 21. It is real. Of particular interest is the shape and dimensions of the city: Continue reading “Zion The New Jerusalem”

Sexual Purity, Part 1

[By Jay Mackley. Note: Hover over the links for tool tip info.]

… God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World,34 pdf35

This simple principle of sexual purity is necessary for happiness. The pure in heart1 and action are considered safe with their friends, trusted by their spouses, prized by their parents, and have respect among their peers. In other words, all that is necessary for a successful community and family life is dependent upon sexual purity2. It’s sad to see (time and time again) successful and famous people who fail in their morality3 – they end up not happy4.

Everyone is different, but for most, sexual purity Continue reading “Sexual Purity, Part 1”