Brigham Young University

One of the great joys in my life was attending and graduating from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. My BYU education was interrupted by a two year proselyting mission for the Church and then I came back to finish. I loved the whole experience. Of course BYU wasn’t perfect then any more than it is now but the negatives were inconsequential, especially compared to the positives.

Frequently I read of the really silly, foolish, wrong headed, and stupid stuff that goes on at major schools in our country, and, realizing it would not happen at BYU, I then feel a sense of renewed satisfaction, and yes, pride in what BYU stands for and in its alumni – if that word, pride, can be used in the good sense.

Below are some standout positive features of a BYU education.

Interestingly, the national average is 69% of students graduate WITH student debt, so this is very good indeed by comparison.

It helps that BYU is frequently ranked #1 as “most affordable”. BYU also actively makes an effort to provide part time employment to as many students who want it. That really helps reduce the financial burden even further.

I graduated with some debt, a small amount, but it was all from my freshman year when I was foolish and didn’t work with the system.

Yep, if you are a BYU grad you’re almost twice as likely to be married. Religion and focus on family and family values are a big part of it. A stable marriage is foundational for happiness. This factors into the next subject …
By contrast, the percent of Americans reporting that they are happy is 31% for 2016. I dare say that most of these 31% are following the same basic path BYU students are following in order to end up with that result. A commitment to high moral standards yields the ultimate result of self-respect.

However, it appears that the majority believes there are shortcuts to happiness. People usually believe what they want to believe, even if to their own detriment.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
author unknown

Once again, BYU bucks the trend in a major way. Nationally, the gender ratio among college graduates was 57:43, women to men. That’s four women for every three men.
Educated BYU women are about 5 times more likely to be a stay-at-home mom with a working husband. This is due to more stable marriages and a greater value placed on families.
This might have something to do with the other stats on this page being the way they are. Do ya think? Latter-day Saints believe in eternity. They take the long view. That which will last the longest has the most value. Having goals, and planning for the future yields short term stability and long term success.
I love these stats. I would go it alone if I had too. It’s just nice to know I am not alone in my convictions and habits.
These graphics and references come from BYU Magazine.

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